Thursday, August 25, 2011

Month 8

Hmm, so I guess this would be month 8 then...

Yeah nothing on that front.

I told a friend of mine who visited 2 weeks ago that the longer this drags out the less concerned I am with adding to the family as opposed to with my first, when I became more paranoid with each passing month. I guess as the kids both get more independent (i.e., I am sitting here on the computer, Leif is playing Wii, Skadi is watching a movie) it is more of a lifestyle I am willing to stick with.

Then I see the itty bitty-ness of cute babies and thing again.

I want a baby. I want to add another little person to our family. I am not ready to kiss goodbye to the little clothes, the nursing, even the sleepless nights and money dedicated to daycare bills.

But if it isn't meant to be then I am ok.

Really. I am.

I think.

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