Saturday, December 29, 2012

Going Home Outfit

When Leif came home from the hospital it was 100F+ degrees and we had him in a cute blue onesie and a shorts set.

Being born the first week in April - hand me downs won't work for a little bit.

I have spent a tiny bit of money on a few clearance outfits. But then finally was hit by THE going home outfit yesterday.

Wondering if in early April I will recall that it was snowing when I picked this out? Or if I will be thankful that I went with a one piece sweater?

Not sure - but it screamed at me. (And it was on clearance.)

12-29-12; 26 weeks

We had another prenatal appointment on Wednesday - LOW RISK!!

The genetic test came back from the high risk doctor and the word was that as long as the ultrasound of the heart comes back looking good I get to stay on the low risk list.

Whew! Finally!

So stats... BP 110/74 - I thought this seemed high (for me), but Dr. M was thrilled with it.

Weight: Up a total of 4 lbs. This I was a bit surprised at actually. I thought it would be more. So just under a lb a week for the last 4 weeks. Dr. M would like to see that hold steady through the remainder of the pregnancy for a total weight gain of 20 lbs. (I would like to see it that way as well.)

I am 26 weeks, but measuring between 27-28 weeks - which concerns me a bit for gestational diabetes. And I did the glucose tolerance test on Friday. Hoping for good news there, but a but nervous as sweets seem to be my food group of choice.

One more exam in 4 weeks and then I get to switch to every other week exams.

The house is moving along this week. Skadi's room is officially painted and ready to be moved into. (Hopefully tomorrow.) After having two kids rooms with over the top colors - we have narrowed down to a color scheme for the baby's room.


I think we are on color overload after painting Skadi's room.

I will work on picking out a color this week and in the next few weeks getting the nursery done. I feel like I am way way behind - but my wonderful husband doesn't feel that need to push and finish it up!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

21 Week Appointment - 21 weeks 4 days

(So sorry, posted a week late. I wrote it and never hit publish.)
All went pretty well! For the first time I have had an appointment that was just fine with no lingering concerns or doubts.
I have gained a whopping 1.2 lbs – which isn’t terribly surprising. I am still having an awkward relationship with food… though that bread pudding bar from Great Harvest Bread Co. after the appt today helped me out… well sort of I guess. It helped me love food for a few minutes. But didn’t help me in eating the sandwich that arrived after I had munched my yummy bar. Oh well. Sandwich will keep for lunch tomorrow.
Per AB’s request I quizzed him on the tortuous cord (that Skadi had) and he said we just don’t know. Similar to the ultrasound tech told us that cord issues are just hard to diagnose before labor and delivery.
I also quizzed him about travel. I have a trip upcoming in January and I will be 30 weeks then. His thought was that I could go on that trip and then none after that. I am not positive I will go on that trip – funding issues may dictate that only one of us goes, despite the intention from the program manager that more of the team should attend. But I am perfectly fine being the person to bow out.
Once again, there was a bit of difficulty in finding the heartbeat – though this time I wasn’t worried as I could feel him squirming all over the place. The heartbeat was finally located very low down. I told Dr. M that both ultrasound techs of recent have commented on how low the baby is – his response was that means I need to start slowing things down, sitting down when I can. He expects I will go to term, but that it might not be a very comfortable last trimester with the baby as low as he is appearing.
My other two were high up in my ribs. This whole baby sitting low thing is new to me and based off what I have heard from friends, not a barrel of monkeys. Not like rib kicks are fun either, but I think I would take that over 7 lbs sitting direcly on and kicking my cervix.