Sunday, October 7, 2012

Oct 7, 14 weeks 1 day

Wow, this pregnancy is FLYING by. I am already 14 weeks? How is that even possible.

Symptoms: Still puking daily. At this point it isn't really that big of a deal. I feel crummy in the morning, after I puke, I feel better. And I feel mostly fine all day until 9-10pm at which point I am just best off being in bed. The fatigue has let up. I can make it through the day without a nap, or feeling as if I am so tired I am going to fall over.

Food: Aversions a plenty. I don't crave anything. There are things that taste better than others - I can usually tolerate an English Muffin at just about any time. I should have bought stock in the Thomas brand - they have the best English Muffins. Apple juice, that usually tastes pretty good, but I have to be careful not to overdo it as it will also make me queasy. Miso soup has never tasted so good. And hot tea. Love some good hot tea. But I am not craving anything in particular.

Purchases: None. I don't need much, but since this is the last one and we are finding out gender I am waiting to buy items so I can buy gender specific! Something I haven't been able to do to this point!

Names: We have two girl first names and two boy first names. The way AB said it the other day it seemed pretty simple. I had a list for both, but we agreed that none on the list trumped the two we had for each gender. So there it is. Middle names up next. Then ruling out one gender.

I went on travel this past week and it wasn't horrible. The biggest hurdle was not letting it be totally obvious that I am pregnant. I was with about 8 other staff members, none of which know I am pregnant. And probably only one who would actually care when she finds out. It isn't that telling people is that big of a deal at this point I suppose - it's that I haven't spilled to my own direct managers. Not sure why that is seeming hard at this point. I suppose maybe because I am still hoping (probably fruitlessly hoping) for that promotion to the next PM level. Though I am realizing that at this point the decisions have been made and that in theory my being pregnant or not shouldn't have a bearing at this point. Not that it SHOULD have a bearing at any point, but I work in the dark ages.

I felt my first actual little kick the other night. It felt like someone flicked me with their finger. I have felt the little "butterfly kisses" here and there for awhile, but the first kick was just a couple nights ago.

I had one of those surreal moments the other day. You know where it suddenly hits you that "oh, that would be me!" Someone mentioned something about buying newborn diapers. Oh crap yeah! I am going to be changing itty bitty diapers again!

Anyways, there's my update for my entrance into the second trimester. Let's hope it is easier than the first!

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